Am I the only girl in the fam who really loved the Monkees? Well, I had an interesting and special opportunity the other night. My old roomie Shane was in CA on the Pippin tour. I called him and he got me and J comps. So we drove down to Costa Mesa (2 hours plus change during traffic, 30 minutes post-traffic) to see what turned out to be a pretty terrible show. Shane was great. I was also totally, jaw-droppingly surprised to see my old college friend Andre as the leading player. He looked and sounded amazing. The best part of the show by far.
I digress. Also in the company was Micky Dolenz of "hey, hey, we're the Monkees fame." He played Charlemagne. That's all I'll say about that. Shane, J, and I all went to this bar by his hotel to grab some food and catch up. And who walks in? That's right...the Monkee. I did get a little excited because I really did love that show. I listened to their music all through high school. I can, to this day, sing all of the songs on their greatest hits album by memory. So, when Shane offered to introduce me and Joey offered to take our picture, I couldn't resist.
When asked what he thought about being on the show, he replied, "I've been told it was great. It was the 60's, you know. All I knew was 'oooh, look at the colors.'" He was a genuinely nice guy and I was really happy to meet him. In all of my NY restaurant, theatrical, and film work, I've met about a billion celebs, but this is my first actual picture with one. So enjoy!