I've been trying since I bought my Nissan Trampy to switch out the tires and rims. See, I think the person who owned it before had dreams of having the world's dumbest and most impractical tires, because they're 18" low profile tires with chrome rims. My Nissan is supposed to have 15" tires. Needless to say, they rub me in the all the wrong ways (literally and figuratively). I tried to sell the set on Craig's List, KSL classifieds, and even Ebay, but no hits. So, I found this place in West Valley...which might as well be the seventh level of hell, I mean, I try not to go west of the freeway if I can help it (call me an elitist snob...it's okay). But this place deals strictly in after-market tires and rims, and he can take mine and replace them with the right size and sell them later.
I have been to this place four times. Four. I'm pretty sure I've spent a full twenty-four hours waiting in their smoke-drenched waiting room, and today was no exception. I made an appointment for today, and he assured me that the right-sized tires were in and that it would be no problem. Fast-forward 2 1/2 hours, and I still haven't gotten in. So, FINALLY, he comes to me and says, "I've got your tires and rims. You want to see them?" I was like....YEAH! So I go out to look at them, and they're nice, but they look kind of big. I ask him, "Are these the right size? They look big." And he looks at the box and then smacks his head a la Homer Simpson (Doh!), and says, "You're right. They're too big." He gave me two placating hugs, saying that he was sorry and that he would definitely have the right size tomorrow. So, back I go, again, to wait in that room with the world's saddest TV and loudest telephone, to get rims and tires on my car. Sigh.
As a random aside, I got new headshots which I've posted above. Let me know what you think!