I am sad to report that nothing exciting is going on, especially on the career front. Well, on second thought I guess that's not entirely true. My good friend Q from my Southern Utah days dragged me onto Facebook. I don't know if you all know this story, but my sophomore year at SUU I lived in a house with seven other girls. We became known in the theatre community as the PMS house because you women know the story; we all dragged each other onto one another's cycles, therefore, in theory, we would all be PMSing at the same time. Since we were all clever, we decided that we would call ourselves Pi Mu Sigma, thereby creating our own little sorority. It has been such a ridiculous pleasure to be in touch with all of these women again, most of whom I haven't seen since leaving Cedar City in 1993.
I have been crazy busy at work. One of the girls quit, so last week and this week have been in overtime territory. I am also caring for a friend's cat and taking his job as a personal assistant for a couple of weeks while he makes the western rounds (an old friend of mine from WSU, hitting Vegas, Layton, and Jackson Hole, poor guy). I have no time.
I do have some things to look forward to: I am headed down to MD to visit Mom, Dad, Bry, Starr, and Emmy for a couple of days. I also got to take a very quick trip to Philly to see a friend of mine (again, fellow Utahn, representing!) in the national tour of Mamma Mia. He was great! He plays Sky and is the best part of the show. Go see it if it ends up in your neck of the woods. You will especially enjoy the mega-mix at the end. I love me a good mega-mix. I am undeniably biased, but I really enjoyed his performance (shout-out to GH, you know you're a rock star).
That's about it. No auditions happening, just cat petting, laundry doing, and reservation taking. Fun.
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Thursday, July 24, 2008
Sunday, July 06, 2008
4th of July

This past July 4th was the first 4th I've had in years where I wasn't working or doing a show. My friend Michelle has a cute little apartment in Jersey just on the other side of the Hudson with great Manhattan views. They also have a cute little backyard and two adorable doggies, who were wearing their dress-up outfits when we arrived for the BBQ. Victor went all out (and he is a graduate of the American Culinary Institute so he does NOT mess around) and they had a great turn-out. We had a great time. The fireworks however, were a little anticlimatic. We could see across the river to the shows in Manhattan, but it was rainy, sticky, and therefore, not thrilling. But here are some pics.

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