As much as Mormons like being a little more accepted and understood at least culturally, I think that what Mormons abashedly like about themselves is that they ARE different. They hold their value system very high and it is an integral part of your upbringing in a Mormon household.
Part of what makes Mormonism unique is the Word of Wisdom. The Word of Wisdom has some guidelines in place for good health and it's pretty simple in its rules: don't smoke, don't drink, no coffee, no tea, don't eat too much, and eat mostly vegetables (very paraphrased, of course, but that's the idea). A few tenets of the Word of Wisdom are ignored regularly though, in fact John A. Widtsoe in 1930 said that refined flour was contrary to the Word of Wisdom. I don't know a single Mormon that didn't grow up on Wonder Bread and the boxed Mac & Cheese, so I suppose there is some wiggle room or everyone would have lost their temple recommends.
Wandering the city streets, I was wondering to myself what a Romney White House would be like. Would the White House dinners for Heads of State be alcohol free? Would they serve coffee with dessert? Would workers be allowed to smoke on the porch? What would Mitt do if say, the president of France brought him a bottle of wine as a gift, or the Spanish ambassador brought him a box of cigars? What would Romney do?
Here's what I think he'd do: I think he'd accept the gift and then sell it on Ebay or Craig's list, because everything about Romney seems to be up for negotiation.
Adherence to the Word of Wisdom is taken pretty seriously, with those who violate it, especially the big ones like smoking and drinking, held to disciplinary action by their lay-clergy, or bishop. Speaking of bishops, did I mention that Mitt Romney was both a bishop and a stake president? So if you were in Romney's ward and had a drinking/smoking problem, he would be the one to deny your temple recommend.
Unless you've been living under a rock and have never heard of Citizens United, the political game is changing this year and it's about unlimited funds and the Super Pac. For a look at what super pacs do in a way that can make the explanation un-snooze worthy, check out this link by my unbeknownst to him boyfriend, Stephen Colbert:
One of those conservative super pacs is Restore Our Future. Renaissance Technologies gave $1 million to them and their holdings include approximately a 1% stake in Lorillard, a tobacco company, and another nearly 1% in Philip Morris. Renaissance Technologies has over $23 billion in holdings (that's right, with a "b"), so though 1% may not seem like a lot, it is. That's a lot of money being made through their tobacco investments, investments made on the backs of one in five deaths caused by tobacco use. 443,000 people die per year from smoking.
$1million may not seem like a lot of money in the political grand scheme of things but that'll buy a lot of cigarettes.
Now, let's move on to something super fun! It's called gambling and the Mormons don't approve. At all. The link below is what Mormons have to say about gambling. I'm paraphrasing here (you can read the link below for the full story), but they basically think it's of the devil, leads to illegal and destructive behavior, and have never supported it under any circumstances. Ever.
Now, J. Willard Marriott is the CEO of Marriott International and a practicing Mormon. The Marriott corporation is a behemoth, with properties all over the world, including (upon a simple google search) casinos in St. Kitts, Aruba, San Juan, Curacao, and the mother land, Las Vegas.
The Marriott Corporation gave $1 million to Restore Our Future.
Sheldon Adelson is a casino owning billionaire. He pretty much single-handedly funded the failed Gingrich run for president. He has a LOT of money to spare and he REALLY doesn't want to pay taxes on it.
Adelson himself only donated $7.5 million to conservative super pac Winning Our Future, but his wife, under her own name and also under the name of Adelson Drug Clinic donated $12.5 million. That math, kids, totals $20 million. Conservative super pacs are outspending the liberal super pacs $114 million to $26 million ( to which one might ask, WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?! During the course of my research, I saw that the conservative super pacs were being funded largely by oil, energy, refining, technology, real estate, and land development companies, whereas liberal ones were essentially in the business of preventing those companies from running rampant through the land and the economy.
I think Romney has a bit of a conundrum. Does he live by the spirit of the law, or the letter of the law? Does he sleep soundly at night, knowing that his run at the presidency is being paved in large part by gambling and tobacco interests, two industries completely and comprehensively at moral odds with the Mormon belief system?
agree that romney shouldnt b our country's pres
but not 4 the reasons u gave
dont get me wrong cuz think he has numerous conflictin interests with his church's beliefs
religion shouldnt even b an issue when decidin who 2 vote in2 the xecutive office cuz most religions r inherently good in n of themselves
youd b hardpressed 2 find anybody who lived their faith perfectly cuz everybody has a vice(s)
even the lds faith
no a person should b elected commander in chief based upon their ability 2 lead while abiding by the constitution
that document ensures fairness n equality 4 all (not jus our citizens)
it mattereth not their opinion on same sex marriage cuz the constitution dont giv the rite 4 gvrnmnt 2 even b involved in the issue
it mattereth not their views on abortion cuz that document dont giv the rite 4 gvrnmnt 2 fund it
it matterth not if the xecutive office has vices cuz they werent elected 2b our moral xamples but 2 keep this country from ruin
rite now thats 2 get the usa back in the red
(actually that shouldve been the job of the pres since the b4 the civil war when we 1st acrued debt)
i'd vote 4 larry flint if he ran a constitutionally based platform n had a plan 2 reduce our debt signifigantly
well hes not but sumone did n hes pert near dun unless the majority of delegates vote their conscience, at the gop convention, this aug
addressin yer mention of the lds church n homosexuality..
the church has stated numerous x that its not their stance 2b acceptin or even tolerant 2wards homosexual actions
rather 2b acceptin n tolerant of the homosexual person
God luvs all his children as should we
im not suprised 2 learn that theres gay mormons with church callings but if theyre engagin in immoral actions n r found out, they will b properly disciplined, as would anyone (strait or gay)
the lds church will not cave on this issue despite social pressures
xcept wut do i kno?
yer prlly all "duh doy..i kno, u skoosh la doosh"
jus wanted others 2 kno, who may not kno, yuh kno?
Lance, you should listen to the cultural hall podcast. You can find it on I tunes. It's excellent in that it addresses things that mormons think about but don't often publicly address. Done bymembers good standing, too.
I think, though, that you've not addressed the larger point. Romney, if he wins, will have done so with what could be morally bereft financial acquisitions. It doesn't have to do with constitutionality, but rather the act of standing for one thing and doing another.
figured it was jus a given bout flip flop rinse n mops financial portfolio
not so much the size but the strings n acquirement
strings as in hes securely in goldman sachs (the feds) deep pockets
acquirement as in using vulture capitialism 2 line his pockets n unemployin tons of ppl
now hes recently been seen at the annual bilderberg meetings (google it) where the worlds most influential in politics, finance n industry privately meed 2 determine the worlds affairs n usurp countrys soveirgnty
he doesnt hav my support cuz of all this n more
howevva ron paul has my total support based specifically on his costitutional platform n his realistic balanced budget plan
I stay away from commenting on your blog for good reason, but I had to step in here. I don't see the conundrum. Romney accepting money from tobacco companies is the moral equivalent of Obama accepting money from super PACS. He is on record as being against them, yet he uses them when politically expedient. I don't like it, but that's how the game is played. If we want a different outcome, we need to change the game. As someone who is politically moderate, I see the hypocrisy in both but believe in applying such a strong label as 'hypocrisy' fairly, so if Romney wears it for taking tobacco money, then Obama does for taking super PAC money.
And the Word of Wisdom "quandry" really isn't one. It's a talking point that really doesn't further the discussion on what a Romney White House would be like, which seems pointless to have until after the election. I go to parties and restaurants where alcohol is served and it is always a non-issue for me; in fact, I'm a great designated driver. Friends are always welcome in my home, starbucks and all. Cigs need to stay outside, however, thanks to asthma (and stench). As long as what you do is legal and used responsibly, it's your life. The idea that a Mormon White House would be any different than any other, apart from the driving personalities of its inhabitants, is a distraction from the real issues we face this election.
First of all, I'm with Juli on the Word of Wisdom issue, it's a non issue. As long as the people in my house are responsible and not breaking the law they can make their own choices, they're big kids.
On the other issues... let's forget that I'm a liberal and I wouldn't vote for Romney anyway (due to the large disagreements I have with his policies) and focus on the fact that I'm an active member of the LDS faith. As such, I hold my fellow members to a higher standard. I know that no one is perfect, and frankly God doesn't expect us to be perfect, he expects us to strive for perfection and obey his commandments. But as a leader in the church, let alone the leader of the free world, you'd better be living the letter of the law, as well as the spirit of it. Period. The end.
p.s. As much as I'd like to share this on FB, it would cause serious fights in my extended family... and I promised my mom. :-)
As always, great post Red!
@ Juli: This blog was not intended to address larger issues, and I agree with you that the rules of the game need to be changed, starting with campaign finance reforms and the retiring of justices such as Thomas or Alito.
However, there is a big difference between Romney and Obama, and that difference is that Obama does not adhere to religious standards that forbid such behavior.
The Super Pacs are scurrilous and the Robert's court should be ashamed of themselves.
Thank you, Melissa! : )
There are a few flaws in your facts. Hope you don't mind that I fixed them.
No Mormon has run since Joseph Smith in 1844,
FALSE: Orrin Hatch, George Romney, and Jon Huntsman
staying out of gay marriage battles such as California's Prop 8, we are seeing more friendly journalism toward Mormonism...
FACTS: The more factual reason is that a high-profile Mormon constantly in the news, plus a much more open public relations policy from the Church itself.
John A. Widtsoe in 1930 said that refined flour was contrary to the Word of Wisdom.
FALSE: First of all, who is John Widtsoe?? If he's not the prophet, there is pretty much no reason for people to follow his personally held belief.
Would the White House dinners for Heads of State be alcohol free? Would they serve coffee with dessert? Would workers be allowed to smoke on the porch? What would Mitt do if say, the president of France brought him a bottle of wine as a gift, or the Spanish ambassador brought him a box of cigars?
FACT: GW Bush didn't drink alcohol either. You know how they handled it? They didn't put wine in his glass. Problem solved!
If any of those things were to happen the State Dept would handle it. Gifts are handled with a great deal of diplomacy between the two countries before they are bestowed. It is highly unlikely that such a mistake would be made.
One of those conservative super pacs is Restore Our Future. Renaissance Technologies gave $1M to them and their holdings include approximately a 1% stake in Lorillard, a tobacco company, and another nearly 1% in Philip Morris.
Yes, kids, that is right, CIGARETTES ARE BAD! Now, if we could just get people to stop buying them with a Word of Wisdom or something?
Ren Tech is a hedge fund. They manage the holdings of a lot of companies. $1M to them is a drop in the bucket. And you have a lot to learn about the stock market if you think owning a 1% stake is a big deal. A hedge fund that doesn't have BILLIONS is a very unsuccessful hedge fund.
J. Willard Marriott is the CEO of Marriott and a Mormon. Marriott owns casinos in St. Kitts, Aruba, San Juan, Curacao, and the mother land, Las Vegas.
The Marriott Corporation gave $1M to Restore Our Future.
Sheldon Adelson is a casino owning billionaire. He has a LOT of money to spare and he REALLY doesn't want to pay taxes on it.
FYI- Campaign donations are not tax exempt or deductible.
Adelson himself donated $7.5M to conservative super pac Winning Our Future...
Let's quickly remind everyone that WINNING our Future was Newt Gingrich's PAC.
Conservative super pacs are outspending the liberal super pacs $114M to $26M to which one might ask, WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!
Really bad research is what is going on here. Do you not read front page mainstream media?
Its a pretty common fact that Obama has outspent EVERYONE EVER.
During the course of my research, I saw that the conservative super pacs were being funded largely by oil, energy, refining, technology, real estate, and land development companies...
In a shocking turn of events industries supported the politicians that best represented their needs!
I think Romney has a bit of a conundrum. Does he live by the spirit of the law, or the letter of the law? Does he sleep soundly at night, knowing that his run at the presidency is being paved by gambling and tobacco interests, two industries completely at moral odds with the Mormon belief system?
First, let's go back to campaign financing 101. Super PACs are their own, separate, individual, stand-alone, not connected with the campaign organization. It is completely and in every way against the law for Super PACs to have contact with the campaigns.
So can Romney sleep soundly at night having not personally accepted one cent from any of the organizations you just named?
Yeah, probably.
You forgot one fun detail though-
Willard Mitt Romney was named after Willard Marriott. So I doubt he minds taking money from his namesake.
Oh my, anonymous, what words. I stand by my research.
A) I was corrected by a friend who pointed out to me the other Mormons who ran. I'll accept that correction.
B) I mentioned widtsoe to point out that some tenets are regularly ignored.
C) I work for a hedge fund that does not run billions and they are, by every measure, completely successful. Total 99 percenters.. Homes in the hamptons, etc.
D)) I did not suggest that Romney would violate the word of wisdom.
E) I do read the headline news, but maybe you missed the day that they reported $7.5 million from Adelson??
F) I think what you're demonstrating is a stunning naivete. If you believe that there is no coordination happening between super PACs and candidates, you should take your unicorn for a ride. It's called back rooms, coffee shops, locker rooms, etc. it is against the law. Doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
G) you clearly missed the point of the blog, which was to demonstrate the sprit of the law versus the letter of the law. Nice prevarication, though, you'd make a great politician.
H) I'd appreciate it, if in the future you give my words another drive by that you leave an identity. I tend to think that people that post anonymously are cowards.
agree with coward err..i mean anonymous
who is widtstoe?
its bad nuf sum "holier than thou" members took it upon themselves 2 designate wut we couldnt partake cuz
these einsteins concluded that coffee n tea arent good 4 the body since theyve caffeine
thereby caffeine is the real culprit
theres a word 4 those members n its xtremeists
its rite there in b&w..HOT DRINKS R NOT GOOD 4 THE BODY OR BELLY
hot chocolate inclusive (tear)
then we got widtstoe sayin certain breads r contrary 2 the WofW cuz the grain is stripped of important fibers
well pish posh cuz plazebo pills r absent important fibers so r they contrary as well?
think the point of this blog was 2 wake up the sheep who irresponsibly support a canidate 2 validate their religion
the same could b said of skin color validation
dont think erin is tryin 2 convince non-lds ppl who dont giv a twittly twot if mitt is livin the word or spirit of the mormon law
of course im often wrong
how cool would it b if anonymous was actually romney himself?
now u kno not wut 2 think
i jus blu yer mind, huh?
its 2 funny that sum of the ads at the bottom of yer blog page is 4 ol' mitt
as my niece would say "thats i-wah-nic
@anonymous: are you Juli's cohort?
@anonymous: are you Juli's cohort?
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