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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Severing the Complicated

I had to sever a relationship today. A long-standing, very complicated relationship. I wish I could say that it was easy, because it wasn't. Even after all the roiling, murky water under the bridge, as I made my decision I felt the thin fingers slipping between my skull and brain and squeezing tightly. It almost takes your breath away. Then to hear your heart pounding as you consciously breathe makes you question even further whether you made the right decision or not.

Nothing is forever. Our relationships, our homes, our clothing, it is all ephemeral. As for this relationship, I have said "no more. I cannot do this any more." My only hope, since there is always hope to be found, is that I will be able to reclaim the power I surrendered, that I can once again speak with a voice unguarded.

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