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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Things That People Say

Subject: Actual quote from protesters occupying street of Toronto's stock market

"It's weird protesting on Bay Street. You get there at 9:00 A.M. and the

rich bankers who you want to hurl insults at and change their world view

have been at work for two hours already. And then when it's time to go,

they're still there! I guess that's why they call them the one per

cent. I mean, who wants to work those kinds of hours? That's the power

of greed."

So, if I'm reading this correctly, what I am to learn is this: 
1.  The glorification of slaving away to the almighty dollar is more relevant and exciting than say, being a stay at home parent.
2.  A teacher who spends hours (unpaid) and money (largely unreimbursed) outside of the classroom on behalf of their students is a chump for not getting absurd amounts of dough.
3.  An artist who gives many hours and dedication of their skills is largely a moot point in a society driven largely by megalomaniacs and corporate despots (supported, of course, by the Supreme Court, because you know, corporations are people, too).
4.  The people mentioned in the above quote are probably working 70 hours a week because they know that it is likely they will get fired and replaced by someone who is willing to sacrifice the precious minutes of their lives to their stockholders' bottom line.


"Money confers the power to command the labor of others. Love of money is love of power. And love of power is the root of evil."  Edward Abbey.

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